It’s time to download the DU 7 College Admit Card 2024. If you are a candidate for the seven college admission then you can now collect your Dhaka University 7 College Admit Card PDF from here. Login required for downloading the admit. Though the admission test will be taken in different dates the admit card is available at the same time for all units. Candidates of Science unit, Humanities unit, Business unit, Technology unit and Home Economics Unit are getting the admit card together.
Do you know how to download DU 7 College Admit Card from online? Well everyone knows that the Dhaka University affiliated seven colleges Admit Card is available online. But the applicants search for the admit card link. It becomes a headache to find out the link for downloading the DU 7 College Admission Test Admit Card. For your kind information, the candidates can download their DU Seven College Admit Card from collegeadmission eis du ac bd portal. I am showing the admit card downloading process here.
DU 7 College Admit Card
DU authority has released the DU 7 College Admit Card for all the applicants who have submitted the online application earlier. At this moment, every candidate is requested to collect their admit card. The candidates have to get print copy of their admit card, the admit card will be checked in the exam hall.
Notice of DU 7 College Admit Card:
Well it was fixed that the Admit Card for 7 College Admission will be published on this day. The admission circular depicts all the schedule for the admission procedure. However, your admit card will contain several necessary information. This includes candidate’s photo, candidate’s name, parents’ name, admission test roll number etc.
Well though the admit card contain such important documents, it doesnt contain the seat plan. DU authority will publish the seat plan two days earlier of the exam. That time you can know the exact location for the test. Login
As I have told earlier, login required for getting DU 7 College Admit Card. The applicants have submitted the online application earlier. The candidates have submitted the application and paid the fee. Well all the candidates have applied through this official website. The candidates did not had to wait a long time for the admit card. In the admission circular, the admit card publishing date was mentioned.
DU Admission authority has described the admission test details. There will be MCQs in the admission test. One candidate must answer all the MCQs in the given time one hour. Well the matter of fear is the negative mark. However, there are some basic instructions that you have to follow in the exam center. The most important rule is, you must carry your admit card in the exam hall.
Download DU 7 College Admit Card
Well, when the admit card is released the candidates are thinking about how to collect the admit card from online. I am sure that you are also thinking about this same. But nothing to worry about, here I am describing how you will get your DU 7 College Admit Card PDF or the soft copy.
Follow instructions to download admit card-
- The DU 7 College admission website is- You need to go to this web page for downloading your admit card. The link is given, you can directly browse this site.
- There, click on login and provide the required information there.
- After you’ve logged in, find out the ‘Admit Card’ option and click on it
- You will get the PDF file of your admit card
- Get a print copy of the admit card and keep it with you
Note: Match all the information given in the admit card and make sure all the information are correct. If you find any wrong information then please contact to the DU Admission authority.
Dhaka University 7 College Admit Card
Today the DU 7 College Admit Card has been release. All the candidates now can download their admit card for taking part in the admission test. If you are a candidate then you must collect the admit card and get print copy.
Since you are a candidate for the exam, you need to be clear about a few things. First of all, you have to make sure that your ears are visible during the exam. If your ears are not visible, the invigilator may ask you to open your ears. You should be obedient to the invigilators. Dont take any type of electronic device with you. This includes calculator. Another important rule is that you cannot write anything on the exam question.
DU 7 College Seat Plan
The Dhaka University affiliated seven colleges Admit Card has been released. The DU 7 College seat plan is essential for the admission test. But the seat plan is not published with the admit card. For your kind information, the seat plan will be released two days prior the exam date. That time you will login again into the official website to check out your detailed 7 college seat plan.
Conclusion: Take the best preparation for the admission test. It will be really competitive. Here I have mentioned all the necessary information related to the admit card and seat plan. Best of luck for your upcoming admission test.