AFMC Admit Card 2025 Download –

AFMC Admit Card 2025 has been published. Armed Forces Medical College Admit Card can be collected by using User ID and Password. You have got these things at the application time. First, you need to collect the AFMC Admission Test Admit Card PDF, and then you need to get print copies. Earlier, the admission test date was announced. If you have applied for AFMC, then you can download your AFMC Admission Admit Card from here. Also the AMC Admit Card can be downloaded. 

AFMC authority has published the Armed Forces Medical College Admission Admit Card today. There is a huge number of students applied for the admission. If you have submitted the application, then you must download the AFMC Admit Card PDF from online. For your information, the admit card can be downloaded from the website. It is the official website for AFMC Admission.

How to download AFMC Admit Card? I know you are worried about this. Thats why I am showing the full process for downloading the admit card. You just need to follow the instructions. 

AFMC Admit Card 2025

Armed Forces Medical College is one of the most popular medical colleges of the country. Since the Army runs it, the guardians select this medical college for their son/daughter. However, the admission system is not so complex. The procedure includes- online application, admit card, seat plan, admission test and then the merit lists. Several merit lists are published for completing the admission. 

The most important part of the admission system is coming ahead. The admission test is near at hand. To participate in the admission test, you must carry your AFMC Admit Card print copy in the exam hall. It is because, the hall invigilator will check your admit card and match the photo with your face for confirmation.If you fail to show your admit card, then you may be expelled from the test.

Armed Forces Medical College Admit Card

There is one Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) and five Army Medical College (AMC) in the country. The admission is conducted at the same time for these medical colleges. So, you can download the AFMC Admit Card and AMC Admit Card simultaneously. 

The admission into AFMC is really competitive. One candidate has to pass several steps– written exam, Viva Voce and Medical fitness checkup. Candidates who pass all these steps will confirm a seat into AFMC for this session. There is also quota available. However, the most important thing is to pass the admission test. If you don’t pass the admission test then you will be disqualified. 

The online application was taken earlier. Well there is no short listing system in this admission. So, all the candidates who applied can take part in the admission test. But it is mandatory to collect the AFMC Admit card from the Afmc teletalk com bd portal.

Afmc teletalk com bd

For your kind information, the admission website of AMFC is- afmc teletalk com bd. All the candidates will collect their AFMC Admit Card PDF file through this website. They need to use their User ID and Password to get the admit card. 

Beside providing the admit card, this website can be used to get applicant’s copy, seat plan and also the admission results. Moreover, if you ID or Password is lost then you can recover it from this portal. Now its time to download the admit card. There is not much time in your hand. You must prepare the documents that you need to bring in the admit card, specially the admit card. 

How to Download AFMC Admit Card?

Since you are using a smartphone, it is very easy for you to get your AFMC Admission Test Admit Card. browsing the official website is the first step to get the admit card. There, you have to enter your User ID and Password. Make sure you remember you user id and password. Then you can go for downloading the admit card. 

Here I am showing the detailed process for getting the admit card. You can follow the instructions to get your own admit card-

  • The admit card is available on You have to go this portal and do as per as mentioned in the next step.
  • You will find the ‘Download Admit Card’ option in the upper section. Click on it.
  • Then, you must enter your User ID and Password in the empty boxes. Make sure you enter the correct information there. 
  • Then, submit to get the admit card in PDF format.

I hope you have been able to download the admit card. You have got the admit card in PDF format, you need to get printed copies.

Instructions for Admission Test

AFMC is run by the Army. They are really strict with their rules. So disobeying any rule can be harmful for your admission. Here are the rules and restrictions that you have to maintain in the exam hall- 

  • Be present in the exam hall at least 30 minutes before the exam starts. 
  • Make sure your ears are open during the exam time. 
  • You must bring your admit card in the exam hall. 
  • You cannot bring any type of electronic devices including hand-watch.
  • Be polite with the exam hall visitors.

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