DSHE Admit Card 2024- dshe.teletalk.com.bd

DSHE Admit Card 2024 is now available to download. For your kind information, this is the admit card for various post under DSHE. The DSHE authority has released the admit card the recruitment exam which is going to be held very soon. Well the exam date is already announced by the DSHE Chairman. The DSHE Exam Admit Card can be downloaded from dshe.teletalk.com.bd website. However, the main website is www.dshe.gov.bd. You will find all the notices and updates on this main website. 

You can download your DSHE Admit Card 2024 PDF from here. For downloading your admit card, you need to enter your User ID and Password which you have got at the application time. 

Do you know how to download DSHE Admit Card from online? Well, most of the applicants are unaware about this matter. But nothing to worry about, I am showing you how you can easily collect your admit card using User ID and Password. 

DSHE Admit Card 2024

DSHE Notice:

Hurray! It is a good news. Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education or DSHE has made an announcement regarding publishing the admit card for the recruitment process of various posts. There are a large number of candidates willing to collect their admit card. 

All the applicants have been informed about this DSHE porikkhar Admit Card via mobile SMS. In the SMS, you will see the admit card downloading link. 

General instructions are mentioned in the admit card for the candidates. Plus some important information are mentioned such as- candidates’ photo, name, roll number and the exam center name etc. 

It is notable that there is recovering option available for the applicants of DSHE recruitment. Well the application was taken few months ago. So it is normal that some of them will lose their User ID or Password. However, the recovery process is described here. Read till the last passages. 

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Admit Card

This year, DSHE is recruiting a good number of people for the empty vacants. Also a large number of people have submitted application. Well to get job in this recruitment candidates must be successful in both MCQ and the viva exam. 

The candidates who will be successful in the MCQ exam will go for the viva exam. Well the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Admit Card is much important for the exam. No candidate will get permission to sit for the exam without showing the DSHE Admit Card hard copy.

The exam typically tests the candidates’ knowledge in relevant subjects, general knowledge, and other areas pertinent to the job role. Based on the performance in the written examination, interview, and document verification, the final list of selected candidates is prepared. The selected candidates are then offered appointment letters for their respective positions.

How to Download DSHE Admit Card?

Today the DSHE Admit Card has been published. If you have applied for any post then you must download your admit card now. Since there is limited time to collect the admit card, I will suggest you get the admit card as soon as possible when it is released. 

Follow the step-by-step instructions to get your admit card-

  • At first, you need to go to the admit card downloading portal. Here is the link for getting admit card- dshe.teletalk.com.bd. Browse this webpage for getting your admit card.
  • After you browse the website, please select the ‘Admit Card’ option floating in the upper section
  • Then you need to enter your User ID and Password there. 
  • Then press the submit button and you will get the PDF file of your DSHE Admit Card saved on your device

Note: Before you submit, make sure that you have typed the correct User Id and Password. If you type wrong ID or Password then your admit card will not come. 

If you have lost your User ID or Password then you can recover it. You will find the ‘Recover’ option in the upper section. Well you need to provide some of your information to complete the recovery process. 


dshe.teletalk.com.bd- it is the official website of DSHE. All the activities related to the recruitment process is being conducted through this portal. This includes the online application and now the DSHE Admit Card. Also the job circular of this recruitment was available on this portal. 

Here the admit card downloading process has been described. Also the website link is provided for downloading the admit card. I hope you and all of the applicants have downloaded the admit card from here. 


The DSHE main website is dshe.gov.bd. All the notices and updates about DSHE is published through this portal. After the recruitment examination, the result will be published through this portal. Also, if the exam schedule is needed to be changed, then there will be a notice on this portal. However, all the updates about DSHE recruitment will be published on this blog-site. 

Conclusion: The exam is near at hand. So take the best preparation for the upcoming exam. Dont forget to collect your admit card. You can ask any question here if you have to know. Thank you. 

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