BB Admit Card 2025 has been published. This is the Bangladesh Bank Admit Card the Bangladesh Bank authority released for the recruitment exam. You will use your CV Identification Number to download the admit card from the website portal. You can also use your Job Tracking number and password to get the admit card.
For your kind information, the BB Admit Card is really important for the candidates. It is because if you dont bring the admit card, you will not be allowed in the exam. So, you must get the admit card print copy. The hall visitor will check your Bangladesh Bank Exam Admit Card and match the photo with your face.
Candidates who applied earlier can now get the admit card. Bangladesh Bank has published a public notice about this admit card. The exam schedule and seat plan will be announced later. Remember, you cannot download the admit card after the deadline.
BB Admit Card 2025
Bangladesh Bank Admit Card 2025 has been published on the website, the official website for examining Bangladesh Bank recruitment.
There are a lot of candidates who are going to sit for the recruitment examination at Bangladesh Bank. Well, it is a highlighted job. But you maintain all the rules in the exam hall. The most important rule is to bring the admit card with you. Well many candidates dont know about how to download the BB Admit Card from the internet. For you, I am showing how you will collect the admit card from the official website. The best thing is, here the official website link is given. It is very helpful for the candidates, you can go to the website and easily download your admit card.
Bangladesh Bank Admit Card 2025
The admit card is typically released a few weeks before the examination date. Candidates should regularly check the official Bangladesh Bank website for updates. At this time, the admit card is available to download. Each candidate has to download the admit card for specific exam.
You should know that, the exam seat plan is not mentioned in the BB admit card. Most of the candidates think that their exam seat plan is written in the admit card. But it is not true.
Bangladesh Bank authority will publish the seat plan later via a public notice. Also the seat plan will be published by some daily newspapers. The Bangladesh Bank examination process is a competitive and rigorous selection procedure for various positions for a few banks of the country. Thats why the candidates must be careful for this exam.
How to Download BB Admit Card?
Here I am showing you how you will download your Bangladesh Bank Exam Admit Card 2025 from the Bangladesh Bank Official recruitment website. Before you start searching for the admit card, you must remember your CV Identification Number and the Password. There are two options to get the admit card- by CV Identification Number or Job Tracking Number and Password.
Follow the instructions to download BB admit card-
- Your first job is to go to the main website portal. The website link is given here for all the candidates. You can directly go to this portal to getting the admit-
- Then you have to enter the Job Tracking Number and Password
- You can also choose to get the admit card CV Identification Number
- Then submit to get the admit card
Note: A PDF file will be given for the admit card. You must get this PDF file in print copy in A4 paper.
Instructions for the Examination
The instructions for the Bangladesh Bank exam are typically detailed in the admit card and the official notifications provided by the bank. Here are some general instructions that candidates should follow:
- Bring your NID along with the BB admit card to the exam center.
- Arrive at the exam center well before the reporting time .Latecomers may not be allowed to enter.
- Fill in personal details accurately on the answer sheet as instructed. Use only the specified a black ballpoint pen for writing.
- Do not carry electronic devices, such as mobile phones, calculators (unless allowed), smartwatches, or any other gadgets into the exam hall.
- Ensure that you submit your answer sheet and question paper to the invigilator before leaving the exam hall.