DGFOOD Admit Card 2025 is now available on admit.dgfood.gov.bd. The exam date for the DGfood recruitment is 26th July. There are a lot of candidates who have applied for this recruitment, and thus they become candidates. From here, all the candidates can collect their admit card. Apart from getting the DGfood admit card PDF, you will find all the relevant information that will help you to complete the exam process easily. So,
The exam will be started at 10 Am in the morning. This exam is being held under BUET. From the exam question to making the result ready, all the activities are controlled by BUET. You should know that a total of 1377 vacancies will be recruited through this exam. There are different types of posts.
DGFOOD Admit Card 2025
However, each candidate has to bring the admit card with him. If any examiner fails to show the Director General of Food Exam Admit card then his/her exam will be expelled.
Well you can download the DGFood Admit Card till the exam starts. But you should collect the DGfood Examination Admit Card as soon as possible. It is mandatory to match all the details mentioned in the admit card. If any mistake is found, then you must contact the DGfood authority.
There are two ways to collect the DGfood Admit Card PDF from the dgfood teletalk com bd. First of all, of course you can find your admit card via your User ID and Password. Also you can get your Khaddo Odhidoptor Admit Card by SSC Roll, Board and Year. It helps to find out your admit even if you lost your User ID. There is also option to recover User ID and Password.
dgfood teletalk com bd Admit Card
I have already mentioned that the official website for downloading the DGFood Admit Card is- dgfood teletalk com bd. If you browse this webpage then you will find several options including the ‘Admit Card Download’ option.
All the preparations have been taken for conducting the exam. Each candidate will find their detailed seat plan in the admit card. It is another reason to collect the admit card. But the most important fact is, no candidate will be allowed in the exam hall without the admit card.
What if you lost your admit card print copy?
Well, it is a common question among the applicants. But it has an easy solution. You can download your DGfood Admit Card as many times as you want. You can download the soft copy of the admit card again and then get a print copy. But it is suggested to get multiple copies of the admit card.
How to download DGFOOD Admit Card?
If you are a candidate for this exam then you must DGfood Exam Admit Card PDF. Well you can collect your DGFood Examination Admit Card from the official website portal of dgfood teletalk com bd Admit Card. The candidates have submitted online application through this portal and also getting their admit card from it.
Learn how to collect the DG Food Admit Card 2025-
- The admit card downloading link is given here- dgfood.teletalk.com.bd. For the downloading process, go to this portal.
- There, you will find two options. These are: 1) Admit Card by User ID and Password, 2) Admit Card by SSC Information. Select any of these.
- Then provide the correct credentials there. Make sure you dont make mistake while typing the credentials.
- Then press on submit button to complete the downloading process.
Note: After you have downloaded the DGfood Admit Card PDF Copy, you must get a print copy of it. Match all the information given in the admit card including your photo and make sure everything is accurate.
Recover User ID and Password
Director General of Food Authority has kept the User ID recovery process for all the candidates. Applicants get their User ID and Password via a SMS after making the payment. By any chance, if you have lost your User ID or Password then you can recover it anytime you want.
Follow instructions for the recovery process-
- Visit the official website- dgfood teletalk com bd
- There, you will find ‘Recover User ID’ and ‘Recover Password’
- After you click any of these, some information will be required
- You must provide these information correctly in order to complete the recovery process.
Note: After you’ve got your User ID or Password back, you can use them as credentials for downloading the DGfood Admit Card 2025.
DGFood Exam Date
From the official notice of DGfood, we can know that the exam date is 26th July. There is not much time. So, all the candidates should start taking preparation for the upcoming exam. Dont forget to bring your DGfood Admit Card Print copy with your. Otherwise you will fall in danger.
Important Rule: The exam time and seat plan is mentioned in the admit card. You must be present in your exam hall at least 30 minutes before the exam starts. Make sure your ears are open during the exam time.
DGFOOD Exam Result 2025
DGfood authority is conducting the examination under the surveillance of BUET. The question paper is made by BUET and also the exam result will be prepared by BUET. But the result will be published through the official website of Directorate General of Food.
When the result is available, we will share the result through this portal. You will get the PDF file of the DGfood Exam Result and check your result from the PDF file. Also, all the updates and latest news are found here for all types of jobs. So visit this website whenever you need any update.