IHT MATS Admit Card 2024- dgme.teletalk.com.bd

IHT MATS Admit Card 2024 has been published through the dgme.teletalk.com.bd/iht_mats. The IHT and MATS Admit Card downloading time schedule is from 12 October to 15 October 2024. Well, the online application ended on 31 July. The online application time was extended due to some reason. However, now its time to dwonload the IHT Admit Card and MATS Admit Card. Since there is deadline for collecting the admit card, it is better to get the IHT MATS admission admit card download PDF on the first day. 

For your kind information, no candidate will be allowed in the exam center without the admit card. Some of your information will be attached in the admit card including your photo. The invigilators will check out your photo with your face. 

How to download IHT MATS Admit Card? You dont need to worry about this. You can direclty download your MATS IHT Admit Card from here. Moreover, if you have lost your User ID or Password, you can recover it. 

IHT MATS Admit Card 2024

It is a very common question among the canddiates that how to download the IHT MATS Admit Card 2024. Well it is very important for your to collect your admit card and get print copy. Because if you don’t bring the admit card or you are unable to show the admit in the exam hall, then your exam will be dismissed. So you need to be careful in this matter. 

Admission timeline (Revised):

  • Online Application Started- 22 August 2024
  • Online Application ended- 21 September 2024
  • Last date for payment- 22 September 2024
  • Admit Card Download- 12 to 15 October 2024 (Rescheduled)
  • Admission Test- 18 October 2024, 10:00 am to 11:00 am (Rescheduled)

This is the IHT MATS Admit Card for the 2023-24 session admission test. The schedule for the admission test is already fixed by the authority for Government and Private IHT and MATS. The admission test will be held on 23 August. But the last date for downloading IHT and MATS Admit Card is 20 August.

IHT MATS Admission Admit Card Download

This is a guide post about downloading the IHT MATS admission admit card. Well, there are some other things are described here. Such as the User ID or Password recovery and the instructions for the admission test. Read till the last passage, it would be helpful for the admission test. 

IHT Admit Card:

The full meaning of IHT is ‘Institution of Health Technology’. It is a four-year course introduced by the DGME authority. There are a lot of candidates who have applied for this program. If you are a candidate for this program then you must download your IHT Admit Card PDF from here. 

MATS Admit Card:

Well, MATS Admit Card can be downloaded from here. The candidates have to use their User ID and Password to downlaod the admit card. I am showing the details about this process in the below passage.

How to Download MATS IHT Admit Card?

You already know that the IHT MATS Admit Card can be downloaded from the online portal. So, be prepared to download the admit. Before you go for the admit card, make sure you have your User ID and Password. If you dont have or you have lost these, then you have to recover these. 

To collect the IHT MATS admit card-

  • The online portal for downloading the admit card is- http://dgme.teletalk.com.bd/iht_mats/admitcard/. You need to visit this webpage in order to get your admit card.
  • There, you will require to enter your User ID and Password one by one. Dont make mistake while typing the ID or Password.
  • Then you will press the Submit button and get the admit card

If you follow this process correctly, you will be able to get your IHT MATS Admit Card easily without any problem or disturbance. It is notable that the online portal remains busy on the admit card publishing day. So be patient if you find the website slow.

User ID and Password Recovery

Many candidates fall in stress since they have lost their User ID or Password. If anyone lost the ID or Password then he/she cannot get access to the IHT MATS Admit Card. Thus, they cannot attend the admission test without the admit card. But there is a solution for you.

DGME authority has kept the recovery process for User ID and Password. So if any candidate lost the User ID or Password then there is nothing to worry about. But you need to provide a few informaiton for the recovery process. 

Follow instructions to recover User ID or Password-

  • Go to the official website for the recovery process. The recovery website portal is- http://dgme.teletalk.com.bd/iht_mats/recover.php
  • There, you need to provide your phone number and date of birth for identification. You cannot make mistake in this. 
  • Then click on ‘Find’ button and the recovery process will be completed. 

Note: If you provide wrong phone number of date of birth then the recovery process will not work. So it is better to re-check the phone number before submission.

Conclusion: It is suggested to get multiple copies of the admit card. It is for security. However, here all the information related to the admit card and the admission test are mentioned. But still if you have to know anything then you can ask here.

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