LGED Admit Card 2024 is now available to download. Applicants for different positions are requested to collect their admit card from the lged.teletalk.com.bd website. The exam date was announced earlier. Now, the Local Government Engineering Department Admit Card has been released.
Since you are going to take part in the LGED recruitment exam, you must collect your LGED Exam Admit card from the official website. All the candidates have been informed about the admit card publishing. The lged.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card can be collected right now. At the application time, you have got the User ID and Password via mobile SMS. You will use the User ID and Password to get your LGED Admit Card in PDF format. Please follow the step-by-step detailed process which is mentioned here-
LGED Admit Card 2024
The exam is near at hand. LGED authority has already published the LGED Admit Card 2024 for the recruitment exam. In this recruitment process, a good number of people will be recruited for the empty vacants. However, the applicant number is huge. So, it can be said that the exam will be much competitive like any other government job exam.
There are various post in this recruiting system. The online application was taken earlier. Those people who have submitted application have waited for a long time. Finally today the announcement has come for the exam date and the LGED admit card.
For your convenience, the admit card is the most important document for an applicant. There are two reason behind this. At first, you must carry your admit card in the examination hall. The other reason is, your admit card will contain several important information about you and the details about exam.
lged.teletalk.com.bd Admit Card
You might be looking for the link from where you can collect your LGED Admit Card PDF. Well, you should know that the official website is lged teletalk com bd. It is the website responsible for conducting the recruitment process.
The online application was taken via lged teletalk com bd portal. Also the admit card is being published by this portal now.
You will be happy to know that, if your User ID or Password is lost, then you can recover it. There is an option available on the official website by which you can get your ID and password recovered.
Well at this time the most common question is how to get the LGED Admit Card. I am showing you how you will collect your admit card from the online portal. Also, the website link is provided.
How to Download LGED Admit Card from Online?
It is not so complex to collect the LGED Admit Card from the official website. Since the admit card downloading link is given, it will be very easy for you to download your admit card.
The detailed process is shown here. Please follow the instruction given here-
- Admit Card downloading portal is- lged.teletalk.com.bd. You must go to this portal for getting your own admit card.
- From the upper section please select the ‘Admit Card’ option and click on it.
- Then a new interface will appear. You need to enter the credentials such as your User id and Password.
- Then as the last step press the submit button to get your admit card.
Note: Before you submit, please make sure you have typed the correct User ID and Password. If you provide wrong credential then your admit card will not appear.
Recover User ID and Password
I have told earlier that it is possible to recover User ID and Password if you have lost. It is really helpful for the candidates who are the candidates for this exam. Since it has been a long time after the application ended, many applicants have lost their ID or Password.
It is to mention that, you need to provide some of your information to complete the recovery process. Follow the instructions for the recovery process-
To get your User ID or Password back, you need to go to the official website of LGED.
- There, select ‘Recover User ID’ or ‘Recover Password’ from the upper section
- Then provide the required information. You must provide the same phone number which you have provided at the application time.
- Then click on ‘Find’ option
Sometimes the website may show ‘Error’. If you see this, be patience and try again a few minutes later. After the recovery process, you can download your LGED Admit Card.
LGED Exam Date
All the applicants have received a SMS on their mobile phone from LGED. The exam date was mentioned on the SMS. However, the LGED Exam date is mentioned in the admit card. Also the details about your venue is mentioned.
Note: LGED keeps right to change exam date and time at anytime without any explanation. So keep visiting this portal for the latest update about this exam.
Instructions for the Exam
There are many strict rules and restrictions for the exam. You have to remember that you can’t disobey any rule or restrictions in the exam hall.
- You have to take your seat minimum 30 minutes before the exam. If you reach your center after the exam starts, then you will be unable to take part in the exam.
- You must bring your admit card in the exam hall. If you become unable to show the admit card, your exam will be expelled.
- Bringing any type of electronic device is fully prohibited. This includes calculator and electronic watch.
- Use only a ball-point pen and dont write anything on the question paper.
Admit card